Can You Believe the Unbelieveable?

The greatest power on earth is your enemy. Plus he has allies among others less powerful than he but more powerful than you. You’ve been fighting for six  years. He’s wyly. Determined. Unscrupulous. Why would you even try? Because some things are worth the effort – even if you die trying. Even if you’re a …

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No Cars

This is about A Light through the Cave – and, actually, all the books that follow. It’s good news, I think. Maybe you heard about Herbie the sentient Volkswagen, as if there was such a thing. And you’ve certainly heard of Henry Ford who invented the assembly line to make so many cars that now …

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No Whales

Pinnochio had a whale in his story. Or maybe that was Gepetto. A big one with room enough to sit up. Jonah had a whale, too. Or maybe we should say a whale had Jonah. Either way, there are no whales in Verdura. However, I wouldn’t want to be in front of the birds in …

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Only a Fable

Some things are just unbelievable. Like a bird that looks like a falcon but that’s really another bird entirely, who’s only a story that someone made up in another land a very long time ago in a country very far away. It wasn’t true then and it isn’t true now. Is it? Life’s like that. …

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